Check your scoreboard before the season

Check your scoreboard before the 24/25 season - PLUS some free tips...

Hi there, here's how to check your Solid scoreboard (OR, your non-Solid scoreboard).
(1.) Turn everything on,
(2.) Start scoring a mock game,
(3.) Make sure your new Sponsor Ads are running.
That's it!!
If there are any issues at all, then please call Solid (03 9708 2992) ASAP.
We are already busy, so get in quick
Note that you wont be able to test a live PlayHQ game until the 1st game starts (if you have reasons for concern, call us, we'll setup a live PlayHQ test remotely). 
Read on for some more great FREE scoreboard tips...

A very sneaky little surprise is waiting for you

Watch out for Billy and his bunch of pranksters.
Windows LOVES to download the next updates (in the background).
Then, carry out the VERY SLOW UPDATE during NON-business hours.
Hmm.. like a 
Saturday arvo.

Let your NEW scorers know Solid's "2 rules"
  1. Make sure the scoreboard is turned on as EARLY as possible.
    If there is an issue we can guide them through options (calmly).
  2. CALL US - 03 9708 2992
    New scorers might not know that Solid are taking calls on weekends. The easiest time to diagnose a problem is when it is occurring (not the following Tuesday).

Is your PlayHQ integration ready?

If you are unsure on whether your subscription is up-to-date then please contact us to confirm.
If you are planning on 
subscribing for the first time then don't leave it too late. The process is quite involved and takes a few days. FYI - these systems are locked to your specific "oval". We need to confirm these codes and then carry out live testing at our end to confirm a working subscription.
The last week before round 1 is super busy and we cannot guarantee connection for R1 if you are late.
   PlayHQ Cricket subscriptions   

What do the latest scoreboard controls look like?

Is your Solid system OLD? Is it time for a system upgrade?
Check out the YouTube (shown is for footy, but Simple-Cricket works similar, just different buttons).
We've been working hard to make scoring easier for you!
Contact us if you want to discuss.
03 9708 2992

Do you have any "non-Solid" scoreboards?
Do they need a make-over?

Solid have converted many other Non-Solid scoreboards. Ask us how!

  • All sports 
  • New remote cloud software
  • Modern layouts
  • Our support staff can log in immediately when you need us
  • You can manage your sponsor logos remotely from home or work
  • Connect to PlayHQ for cricket & footy

7am - 7pm ,7 days

03 9708 2992
Who is there for your club WHEN you need it?

Scoreboards and software are HUGE investments for clubs.
SUPPORT is supposed to be an ongoing part of this initial investment!
If you have bought a cheap scoreboard and are receiving zero weekend support, consider calling Solid for a chat.   
03 9708 2992
100s of clubs have already switched to Solid software & SUPPORT.

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