
There is NO live data showing on my PlayHQ scoreboard

There are a few reasons for this.
Frequently we hear the comment, "PlayHQ is down!".
            This is actually very rare.

Things to check for the club (these are the most common causes, in order).
  1. The device that your scorer is using is not actually "online"
    1. Some background...The PlayHQ system is a clever design. When/if your internet drops out, the scoring device "keeps scoring", but just locally ON that device.
      When the internet resumes, the live scores/times/etc. upload. You (the scorer) might not ever know this has happened.
      The problem is that anyone watching this data feed, ie. 1. SCOREBOARDS, 2. Anyone watching the game scores online (via will witness ZERO score changes.
    2. If this is brought to the scorer's attention, they should check:
      1. If the scoring device (phone, tablet, PC) is online - in the top right corner of the PlayHQ Scorer you will see [Live]. If not then check the internet.
    3. On occasions, the indicator will say [Live], but it is not.
      1. To double-check we recommend:
        1. Disconnecting your internet connection. Via the internet lead, or via selecting your wifi on your device and DISCONNECTING/FORGETTING.
          1. Then Reconnect to that internet connection.
      2. This is a VERY COMMON occurrence (most users/scorers will insist that they have an internet connection)
        1. But, when they reconnect - voila! the data starts flowing & the scoreboard updates!
  2. You are NOT the [Primary] scorer
    1. In that same top right corner you will see [Primary Scorer]. If yours says [Secondary Scorer] then this is wrong.
      1. Data export to scoreboards only works for the Primary Scorer.
  3. Your scoreboard Control PC is not online
    1. We are referring to the PC plugged into the scoreboard. Not the scoring device (that the scorer is using). 
    2. If you think the scoreboard is not online then goto and search for your live game, and check the scores.
      If the scores are correct online then:
      1. Make sure that the scoreboard is on (visually)
      2. Check that the internet for that PC is connected (if this is possible by the club)
      3. Call Solid, so we can log in and check the status
        1. 03 9708 2992   - leave a message if the lines are busy
  4. Is your fixtured game at the correct venue/ground?
    1. Quite often a game is moved at short notice, BUT the league administrators have NOT been informed.
    2. If this current game is fixtured to oval #2, and the game is playing on the oval #1 (with the scoreboard) then ZERO data will appear.
    3. You will need to contact the league administrator to move the game.
      1. If it is too late, then SWITCH to your Solid manual scoring app. 
  5. Are you actually "scoring" on the "scoreboard PC"? 
    1. We recommend against this.
      Two separate devices are cleaner (ie. one PC for the person scoring, and, one for the PC controlling the scoreboard).
      1. Sometimes there will be data issues if you are using "Chrome" to operate the PlayHQ Scorer app.
        1. If you must use the same PC, then try switching to the Microsoft Explorer browser instead of Chrome. 
If all else fails then PLEASE switch to your Solid manual scoring system (while Solid are investigating the issue)

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