Buy a Solid scoreboard with pricing

How much do outdoor scoreboards cost?

GST included. Everything included except power to the scoreboard.
Pricing based on installation metro Melbourne.
For full inclusions and more detail click on scoreboard inclusions.
 Solid scoreboard on pole post  P.O.A. for small custom sizes Solid scoreboard savvy
Solid scoreboard 6m 6m² LED screen - $55,340
Solid scoreboard 8m 8m² LED screen - $67,010
Solid scoreboard 12m 12m² LED screen - $91,090
Solid scoreboard 15m 15m² LED screen - $ 108,360
Solid scoreboard 18m  18m² LED screen - $129,860
Solid scoreboard 24m  24m² LED screen - $171,080
Solid scoreboard Cricket Junction Oval P.O.A. for larger custom scoreboards Solid scoreboard Aces Baseball Melbourne Ballpark

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