HDMI-IN, solid scoreboard, scoreboard

HDMI-In device Setup

This device (together with Solid software) is a simple method of sending an external video feed to your video scoreboard.
Without the need for a scaling video processor!

Once you have a Solid "HDMI-in" dongle, setting it up is simple to do and is the best way to put whatever videos you want on your scoreboard, whether its putting up a grand final to watch along with or putting up a movie for your club.

Step 1: Get the image/video that you want to display on the scoreboard ready. This is usually be another laptop (via that laptop's HDMI-out port).

2: Open your Solid software. You should have a preset "video feed" option where you would normally select you different scoreboard layouts.
      Call Solid if you have arranged this option, but cannot see it.

3: Connect your HDMI-in device to your external source and then plug it into the Solid computer's USB port

4: Left click on the cogs

5: Click on "Direct Video"

6: Select your capture device from the drop down list and click "connect camera"

7: Save changes and close the program.

8: Re-open the scoring program

9: Select the "Video" layout in the layout selection drop down.
-(If you do not have a video or camera layout but you do have a HDMI In dongle then contact Solid

10: The Video will now play!

Any problems then please call Solid 7-7-7 Support on 03 9708 2992
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